Summon by Sunset

You are the latest cultists to attempt to summon the Dark Lord before the sunsets. He has 5 arbitrary rituals that need to be completed to light the 5 candles and bring him back to the earth and to finally rid it of the humans. I'm sure he will spare you though.


Mouse and keyboard

Game was made for the Trijam theme Sunset in 3 hours.


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(1 edit)

I lit three of them but I have no clue what half the stuff means lol. It's a cool concept but maybe some clearer hints/indications of how candles were lit would help

Looks really cool, but I'll have to be honest. I'm so lost! I might just be bad at puzzles...

thanks, it’s so hard to know how hard the puzzles are with zero play testing.

I had so much fun figuring this out. Loved noticing all the little details that gave clues. Dark Lord Summoned!

Thanks a lot!